Reading Term 4

WALT: make connections between ourselves and what we read. 

I know I can do this when I can talk about what the story means to me 

eg "This part makes me think...."

Term 4 Reading

Term 4 Maths

Integrated Topic Term 4

We are learning to grow plants and show that we know what keeps plants alive.

"I know that a plant needs water (H20), sunlight and soil to grow"

Room 1 Oaklands Waiata

WALT: show the CARE value "Community" by learning the school waiata and actions.

Julie Strange Machine

Gymnastics - Term 3

Achievement Objectives

Students will:

  • Participate in creative and regular physical activities and identify enjoyable experiences.

  • Experience creative, regular, and enjoyable physical activities and describe the benefits to well-being.

  • Describe and use safe practices in a range of contexts and identify people who can help.

  • Develop a wide range of movement skills, using a variety of equipment and play environments.


We are learning to:

  • Create and perform a sequence which links shapes through rolling, travelling or jumping.

  • Create and perform a sequence of unlike actions incorporating a piece of apparatus.

  • Identify how to use equipment and perform skills safely

  • Identify how gymnastics is helpful to everyone.

Writing - Term 3

Julie's Strange Machine

WALT: write a poem using rhyming words
WALT: share our writing in creative ways

Writing Term 2

WALT: share our writing in creative ways

We can use a clear voice
We can take a good photo

Maths - Term 2

WALT : use splitting to make ten first when we are adding.

Reading Term 2 2015

WALT: find the parts in a story (characters, setting, problem, solution and outcome)

Science - Forces

WALT : name forces and show motion

Click on the sideshow below

Strand Mathematics (Measurement)

We like to measure and estimate different things around the room. We even got a few of the estimates right! 

Our next step for learning is to learn to use centimetres to measure objects around the room.

Art Attack - Portraits

Art Attack - Term 1
We are learning to create a portrait in the style of Matisse.
We know we can do this when we:
  • paint facial features that are the right size. 
  • choose colours that are right for our own portrait.
  • paint facial features that are in the right place. 
  • create a background that is similar to Matisse.
Click here for a video showing our amazing portraits.